Here are three reasons for "church membership":
- It's Biblical. While the term "church member" is not used in the Bible, New Testament believers clearly identified with a local body of believers.
- It's valuable to the leaders of the church. LWC has many guests who visit one or more times. At some point, it is important to identify those who truly comprise the "flock" (those for whom we are to be responsible, as well as those we can count on to build and sustain the ministries of our church.)
- It benefits the individual. In a culture where commitment is no longer highly valued, church membership can be a "defining moment" in one's life-long journey of discipleship.
Membership Classes
Membership classes are held periodically throughout the year. If you're interested in becoming a member of Living Word, or if you would like to know more about what we believe and how we operate, notify the church office or email us at